Learn More About the Various Ministries of City on a Hill Church:
We place a high priority on ministering to children at City on a Hill Church. We beleive church should be fun and exciting for the kids. Our goal is to give the children a solid foundation in the Word of God and knowing Jesus as their Savior. We want to assist parents in raising their children to know and love God. Go to our Kid's Ministry Page.

"LEGIT" Youth
Wednesdays @ 7:00 PM
The youth ministry at City on a Hill Church is known as LEGIT (Leading Everyone Godwards Into Truth) "LEGIT" Youth meets Wednesdays @ 7:00 PM, for worship, teaching and hanging out. Opportunities for growth and service include Summer Youth Camp, Mission Trips, and Operation Christmas Child.
City on a Hill Church partners with several ministries and missions organizations to help spread the Good News of Jesus Christ around the world. We also encourage and support members of our congregation serving or short-term mission trips. Find out more here...
City on a Hill Church recognizes the importance of prayer. Jesus said in Luke 18:1 that "men (women too) always ought to pray and not lose heart." Join us for PRAYER SCHOOL Wednesdays at 10:00 AM: This is a time of faith building teaching and Spirit-led praying.
HEALING: Jesus Christ is the SAME, yesterday, today and forever (Hebrews 13:8). He is still healing today, through His Word, and faith in His Name. Join us for our monthly Healing Service (usually held the 4th Wednesday of each month at 7:00 PM. Check the calendar for details.

Prayer and Healing
Our Family Ministry, led by Rhett and Sybrina Mitcham, presents various classes and teachings throughout the year to help equip families for succesful marriages, relationships and parenting. Activities for fun and fellowship are also held.