In-Person Church Services Have Resumed!
We believe that God designed the local church gathering, and that it is best done "IN PERSON". We are directed in scripture to "forsake not the assembling of ourselves together".
We are excited to announce that we have resumed "in-person" church services. We have created extra distance between the rows of seats in the auditorium for those who feel more comfortable "social distancing". Face masks are not required, but if you prefer to wear one you are certainly welcome to do so.
In addition, here is some other important information we want to make you aware of:
Our Food Pantry IS OPEN AGAIN after Sunday and Wednesday services. We are asking that everyone observe social distancing when visiting the Food Pantry.
Superkids and Kinderchurch ministry for kids has resumed as well!
We look forward to seeing you in person again at City on a Hill Church!!!
Not able to join us in person? Click here to access our service online.
Please click here to see a full schedule of all services and events.