Marriage Seminar - January 24th-25th
Featuring Ken and Trudi Blount.
Friday 7:00-9:00 PM
Saturday 9:00-11:30 AM
Marriage is an institution that should not be taken lightly, yet, it is a proven fact that Christian marriages are struggling. Recent surveys tell us that Christian couples have the same likelihood of divorce (35%) as other people. Ken and Trudi Blount want to change that. With their Holy Matrimony Marriage Events, they strive to do just that. In these local-church-hosted seminars, Ken and Trudi teach husbands and wives their specific, God-ordained roles in marriage so that they can live the way God wants them to: “happily ever after.”
The Seminar is Free. A love offering will be received.
Free Childcare will also be available for the seminar.
Free continental breakfast Saturday morning.